Silver Linings. I’ve experienced them so many times that I believe in them like I know the sun will rise. They don’t take away the hard times; in fact, one isn’t possible without the other. But they show us what we’re capable of when faced with the unknown. Then, what’s important rises like cream to the top. It often takes a while, and perspective, but Silver Linings are as much a given as the unknown state we find ourselves in.

Of course I’m thinking about these things: Decimated retirement. A company trying to stay afloat. Kids whose semesters were cut short and graduation ceremonies cancelled. A Mom who chose the best time to depart this world. It feels like nothing will ever be the same. Because it won’t and that’s okay. Nothing ever stays the same anyway. Nor should it. How many of us have been longing for change of some sort, from personal to global?

Rather than fighting the unknown, embrace what you have. I have a warm home and plenty of food. So far, we are healthy. I was able to help my mother die with dignity. My dog makes the rounds providing comfort all day. Crocuses are popping up outside my door.

I can choose to wallow in what will be lost, or fall into guilt about how I’m not suffering as much as others. Or I can be grateful, truly appreciative of every little thing.

The feelings you cultivate now will serve you after this has passed. We have an opportunity here to live differently when we open our doors again. Let’s start talking to ourselves the way we talk to our children or close friends. You are stuck with you; it’s so much easier to live with someone you like. Then good will float off you and onto others, just like this virus does. Except goodwill and hope are the contagions.

Be part of the Silver Linings that will show themselves. Use this slowed-down time to give yourself the attention you deserve. You’re the landlord. Start repairs in your body and mind. Rearrange some internal furniture. When demands ramp up again, you’ll be ready to face them. Nothing will be the same, but your new normal will model something new, and you’ll be a positive force for the world. It begins with you; that will never change.

Here is a link for a free daily online community organized by This Naked Mind, scheduled to begin this Monday evening, for anyone who wants to look at alcohol in their lives. At ANY level. Now’s the time to learn from others, share, and set yourself up for health and happiness. The ultimate Silver Lining.

The struggle is real. And so is this free online community! Be a fly on the wall or dive in, but please join us for daily support. I promise compassion and real-time tools to quiet your mind and help manage the things within your control. Your new normal can start now. Feel free to bring your dog.

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