This is one of those mornings when I’m filled with gratitude. The oppressive summer heat has lifted, and in its place is a cool breeze. The sun streams in at a different angle, and the light is softer, less direct, more forgiving. I’m neither hot nor cold. The moment feels absolute.

The trees are dancing. The sky is a blue reserved only for a day like this. I hear the chimes, the rustle of still-green leaves, a dog barking, a far-off motorcycle, my fingers tapping on the keyboard. I smell the richness of late summer and early fall – lush, ripening, transitioning. I sip my coffee. I check in with my gut. Calm, anticipatory, inspired.

If this were the morning after drinking, none of this would exist. I’d be caught in the lousy physical sensations and mental anguish of being in the rut that is alcohol.

I’m so glad I don’t live there any longer. Best work I ever did.

I was planning a September online group workshop, but gears have shifted due to a plate full of 1:1 clients and coaching within This Naked Mind. So I’m again including the link for the 30-day Alcohol Experiment. It works. It’s what sparked my own change. You can sign up until 9pm ET September 1st.

And if you live in New England like me, message me any which way if you’d like to join the private This Naked New England Facebook page – a gathering place for people at all stages of exploring the role of alcohol in their lives. I’ll be hosting a free weekly Zoom call in September to answer questions for the sober curious and beyond. Exploring alcohol is not meant to be done alone! And when it’s safe to gather again, members can plan local gatherings to support and celebrate. We might be the minority for now, but we are powerful. We want more from life.

Meeting information will be on the Facebook page. We are 129 members strong and growing.

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