This is the third of five posts on simple facts about alcohol. The kind of facts most people don’t realize.

The first week, we looked at how alcohol is addictive to human beings. Drinking more than you want is not your fault.

Last week, we noted how the terms alcoholic and alcoholism are no longer recognized medically. Good! The outdated stigma keeps people from living their best lives. Instead, we use the term Alcohol Use Disorder.

This week, I want to offer you two questions to ask yourself:

Have I ever woken up in the morning and wondered why I drank more than I wanted to, and was I upset that I felt like shit, yet again?

My answer: Yup. You?

Have I ever woken up and felt sad or disappointed that I didn’t drink the night before?

My answer: Nope. How about you?

If we share the same answers to these two questions, I’m here to tell you that drinking less is the single best thing you can do to better your mental and physical health. Everything else flows from there. It’s the Big Domino. Don’t set it aside as untouchable. That’s giving alcohol your power.

Take it back.

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