Alcoholics don't exist.

You heard me right.

The term is no longer recognized medically. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders uses the term Alcohol Use Disorder, outlining a continuum of use and abuse. Of the 86% of Americans who drink, most can locate themselves somewhere along the sequence.

We are so stuck on this label of Alcoholic that it causes fear and stagnation and lost opportunity. It allows an us vs. them out. We’re afraid of this dire diagnosis that doesn’t exist. People wait until they hit rock bottom, and the fear of the word is finally less than the fear of what happened.

That is no way to live.

Alcohol is biologically addictive. Yet we protect alcohol. Not the person. Makes me crazy mad.

Would you feel better if you drank less? That’s the only question. The rest is a bunch of entrenched rubbish.

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