WELLNESS: the quality or state of being in good health, especially as an actively sought goal.

OK. How about all the things we do to get and stay well? Food choices. Water bottles. Exercise. Yoga. Sleep. Therapy. Meditation and Medication. Leisure time. Nature. Books. Relationships. I tried it all, and more; all of it helps.

But exploring drinking in my overall wellness was the Big Domino. Having control over whether or not I choose to drink, instead of being under alcohol’s thumb, allowed all those other pieces to fall into place.

Maybe you’ve thought you might feel better drinking less often, or less each time. Or maybe that thought runs on a loop through your head.

Trying to figure out how to best alcohol on our own, without some basic knowledge, can leave us on a merry-go-round. And it doesn’t feel merry.

It’s difficult to say no. It’s hard to stop at 1. Because of our brain chemistry, and a long-conditioned response. Our beliefs about alcohol keep us doing something EVEN when we don’t want to.

That doesn’t mesh with the definition of Wellness.

Ask this question. It’s just a question: Does alcohol always contribute to my overall sense of wellness? Then set out to get some answers. Give yourself the gift of being curious about what you might learn. And about how good you can feel drinking less. Curiosity is a part of Wellness.

If you’re local, consider my next small workshop. Begins February 13 for five Thursdays.

Stay tuned for private online small group options.

If groups aren’t your thing, reach out to me for 1:1. I’ll be your biggest champion. I know the game. There will be laughter. I’ll help you move forward.

Stuck feels lousy. Free feels great.

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